Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fun Dip vs Pixie Sticks

Alright, sorry for the brief hiatus. This weeks topic is Fun Dip vs Pixie Sticks. Pixie Sticks are way better than Fun Dip. There are several reasons why, but I am going to focus on a couple. The first one and most important one is the stick that you use with Fun Dip tastes horrible. Its basically like picking up a piece of chalk and eating it. There is not one quality of that stick that I like or anyone would like.
Secondly, Fun Dip requires two hands to use and takes isn't easy to eat. A Pixie Stick is 1 straw, suck it down and then you're done took all of 10 seconds. With the size of the Pixie Stick you're able to control the amount of sugar intake you get, cause they are smaller. With Fun Dip you open the entire package and when you run out of the chalk stick and still have sugar leftover, you basically have a pixie stick. Also in an economy that we're in now-a-days a Pixie Stick is more economical. You can get 3 different flavors for way cheaper than 1 Fun Dip. I see no downside to a Pixie Sticks, its cheaper, better, and faster. Fun Dip, straight up is horrible.