Monday, February 22, 2010

Peanut Butter M and M's is better than Reese's Pieces

To start my blog I am going to start with the subject that spawned the idea of the blog itself. Peanut Butter M&M's is way better than Reese's Pieces. If you don't agree let me tell you why you should.

Let me start out with this all, Reese's has is a hard candy shell and the peanut better, no one in there right mind buys the Reese's for the hard candy shell. M&M's offers you chocolate, peanut butter, and a hard candy shell. Having 2 options chocolate & peanut butter allows you to quench your chocolate appetite. Next, you get more Peanut Butter with one M&M than you do with one Reese's and lets be honest you bought one of these products for the peanut butter nothing else. Some people might argue that you can get more Reese's with a hand full that you can with M&M's well I cannot doubt that but being that the M&M's are a tad bigger they are easier to handle giving you the ability to manage your intake of M&M's better. Being easier to handle is one thing, but even if you have a handful of Reese's Pieces that means the more you eat in a handful the more candy shell you get, and if you think about it the hard candy shell holds everything together which is like pretty much eating skin.
Also Peanut Butter M&M's have been around since 1954, Reese's Pieces 1978. Time is on M&M's side. With that said I think I am heading to the gas station all this talk about Peanut Butter M&M's makes me want to sit down and taste excellence in a bag.


  1. Maybe its where I shop or something but I can never find Peanut Butter M&M's so for 80% of my life I have eaten Reese's Pieces and therefore choose the latter.

    It doesn't mean I dislike the M&M's its just that I like the pieces better. BOOM!

  2. My 2Cents, reece's pieces have a way too high ratio of candy coating to actual peanut butter. I know that in the past finding peanut butter m&ms was a rarity, for me that added to how delicious they were cause it was a super awesome treat.

    I do enjoy frozen resse's pieces tremendously but have never tried frozen peanut butter m&ms anyone have any experience with them?

  3. Tom Eyster
    Peanut Butter M&Ms are too big; I like the size of the Reese's Pieces a lot better. When I eat Peanut Butter M&Ms (which is rare), I feel like I'm biting into some giant beetle, the way the guts of the thing squish out. Reese's on the other hand have a nice, well proportioned size that is aesthetically pleasing and tasty.

  4. This is the dumbest weblog...but if you can keep it going it has major potential.

    Also, you are correct, PB M&Ms are better.

    Also, what's the best condiment?

  5. Best condiment is coming nick its coming, down the road though.

  6. Spangle you have no life. And your grammar is terrible. But I like the blog. I agree though, Peanut M&M's are way better than Reese's. Not enough PB in Reese's.

  7. i prefer reese's for no reason other than personal taste preference, but i will concede that the bag is far to small for the price you pay and in that regard M&M's are far superior

  8. you are all missing the well known fact that peanut butter is horrible and ruins everything. and big kitkat is way better than normal kitkat.
